Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ethical and Social Issues of Cloning

If people clone things there is always a question of who its parents are. Things could get a little confusing if more than one of the same person are around. The only ways to tell them apart would be from their personalities, and maybe their ages. Cloning would give little children problems with deciding which ones are their parents. Family problems is the major issue with cloning something. Cloning interferes with the beliefs of some religions. They would question whether or not God would put a soul into a body that has the same form and image, that someone has already taken.

My belief is that humans should not be cloned ever. This is because a human has a spirit and he/she should be treated with respect. Some people might take advantage of cloning technology, clone people and raise them as slaves. In some circumstances cloning could help society. For example; if someone owned a ranch and used the cattle to make beef, they could clone cows so their beef sales would go up, and it would be easier to support their families. The topic of cloning has been debated for years. I assume it will be argued much longer.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cloning History

Cumulina was a mouse who was a clone. She was made on October third of the the year 1997. After this success, the scientists continued to clone the mouse that Cumulina came from. At the end of 1998 fifty mice had been made. In the end three generations of mice all relatively the same were born. The Honolulu Technique rate of the success was 1 in 50 tries. This was much better than the rate of the Roslin Institute, which was 1 success in 277

In the year 1986 two teams, (one working in England, the other team working in America,) cloned the first mammals. The team in England cloned a sheep, and the team in America cloned a cow. These successful clones led to a large increase of cloning technology. At times cloning can be awsome!!